Libido Glory Hole ---- Contact Message Board

How does it work?

• This is a quick, anonymous and easy way for you to leave a message for other booth users to meet at Libido Adult Shop.

• You can login from anywhere and tell people you’re at the Glory Holes now or tell them when you’d like to meet.

• It’s FREE, totally discrete and all posts are under your username. No personal information is required. The message board’s sole purpose is to connect Libido Booth users.

• There's no need to sign up!


Message posting is currently very slow. We're working on it!


10-01-2025, 13:52

+2 -4  

Seeking hung men…
very shy and obedient sucker…..


10-01-2025, 10:55

+4 -0  

Got a load after work for someone at about 12


10-01-2025, 09:25

+3 -1  

Any trans/female or good cocksuckers going in today?


09-01-2025, 09:50

+4 -8  

TransDiaz and Male visiting at 12:30pm for T to watch M getting blown by a good sucker!!

Who’s in then?

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08-01-2025, 13:46

+18 -2  

Any clean cum filled cocks need sucking if I come in at 4.15? Slim/bi /bottom /pierced.
Ki k is pierced851

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07-01-2025, 15:42

+9 -0  

Hello everyone anybody be in later tonight would love to have my balls drained

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07-01-2025, 14:40

+2 -0  

Thanks to the guys that visited xxx was fun

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06-01-2025, 23:39

+7 -0  

Come visit me let me drain you any way I can free to play Tuesday and Wednesday or pop in to my booth for VIP treatment xxx

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06-01-2025, 23:32

+9 -0  

Looking to play and take as many guys I can wanting to feed my craving ...thinking to go Tuesday and Wednesday so hopping to please and guys keen to lighten there loads xxx PS K1K me on
And happy give sum previews
and also open to in same booth fun for sum lucky few xxx


05-01-2025, 20:25

+3 -1  

Hey, 23M looking to organise a time with someone tmr. Mainly looking for female, trans or twinks around my age. K.i.k Matteo5346

Posting Rules – Only postings relating to meeting at Libido Glory Holes are allowed.

Spamming, advertising, hate, racism, criminal activity, or any other act that may detract from the site will result in the user being banned. We abide by a zero tolerance on these rules. Other than that Happy Posting!

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Message posting is currently very slow. We're working on it!